
Setting up your PayPal account


To set up your PayPal account, go to PayPal main page and click "Get Started".

1 get started

Choose business account, so you can sell your photos, and click "Continue".

2 business account

Enter your email address, and click "Continue". Remember to confirm your email address in an email you'll receive in a few minutes.

3 enter email

Fill in your personal information, accept User Agreement and Privacy Policy, and click "Agree and Continue".

4 fill in info

Select more information about your business from lists provided.

5 more info_1

Provide holder's information and click "Continue".

6 holders info_1

Select a payment option "On your Website" and click "Continue". Then choose payments through PayPal and click "Continue".

7 payment selection

On the next page unroll "Option A" and choose "Set up API access".

8 set up PayPal

Then, choose "Request API credentials".

9 API access

Next step is to choose "Request API Signature" and click "Agree and Submit".

10 API Signature

Here you go! On this page you can see your API Username, API Password and Signature:

11 API info

Now you need to copy them and go to your Photler's account settings bar "Sell your photos". Then paste them in the right sections.


In case you forget to copy your API information, log into your PayPal account and follow the same steps you did during your first set up. Move your cursor over "Tools" and choose "PayPal Business Set-up". Unroll "Option A" and choose "Set up API access" and then "View API Signature" - here you have all your API info.

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Get invitation

Try Photler for free and keep it that way

Request invitation to Photler and get your unique link
to share via e-mail, Facebook or Twitter. Invite with
a friend and you both will be rewarded with
extended 30-days free trial. Share with more
friends and you'll get something extra.

Congratulations! Confirm your e-mail address and wait for your invitation.
We’ll send it to you within the next 24 hours.


free trial
to 30 days
(1 friend joined)

$10 off for
(5 friends joined)

$15 off for
(10 friends joined)

Free Basic
Plan for
1 year
(15 friends joined)

Free 'The Digital
Photograpfy Book'
by Scott Kelby
(25 friends joined)

Standard Plan
for 1 year
(50 friends joined)

Standard Plan
(100 friends joined)









How does it work?

1. When you refer Photler to your friend, each of you receive the
invitation to free extended trial - 30 days to know Photler better.

2. Refer to more people, and for each friend who signs up you will be
rewarded with something extra (see chart above).

3. You have 7 days to spread the word, after that your award will be
send to you.