Oil Painting Master Series: Direct Painting
This course features:
3 Hours of Instruction
19 Videos
17 eBooks
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Lesson Description
A look at creating a painting with direct applications of observed colors and values. In this lesson, we create a still life painting of a coffee mug on a table with oils.
Lesson Materials
Palette, stiff bristle brushes, A coffee mug or simple object, card stock or cardboard, Titanium White, Cadmium Yellow Medium, Cadmium Red Medium, Ultramarine Blue, and medium.
Lesson Resources
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Course Curriculum
Lesson 1: Introduction (3:06)
Lesson 2: Materials Part 1 (10:56)
Lesson 3: Materials Part 2 (7:22)
Lesson 4: Pre-Painting Fundamentals (14:03)
Lesson 5: Blending Oil Paint (12:33)
Lesson 6: Underpainting (6:41)
Lesson 7: Indirect Painting (11:15)
Lesson 8: Direct Painting (11:18)
Lesson 9: Painting on a Toned Ground (12:12)
Lesson 10: Painting Cloth (14:47)
Lesson 11: Painting Clouds (9:10)
Lesson 12: Portrait Study - Part 1 (6:48)
Lesson 13: Portrait Study - Part 2 (21:03)
Lesson 14: Wet into Wet (10:13)
Lesson 15: Painting with a Knife (13:42)
Lesson 16: Impressionist Approach (11:33)
Lesson 17: Non-Traditional Painting (6:16)
Lesson 18: Painting Transparency (13:44)
Lesson 18: Conclusion (2:23)
Once again, it wold help me to see how he loads the brush.
agree, and also it would be helpful to see how colors are mixed, how much is mixed, and how the color is matched if additional had to be mixed.
One must adhere to the principles of oil painting as demonstrated by the masters if progress is to be made towards a more abstract and impressionistic style. Where there’s a ceiling there’s usually a floor.